“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph answering questions on Shungite
*Shungite Studies https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-studies/
*SHUNGITE FAQ - https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-faq/
*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.com
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*Shungite Reality - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST https://www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html
*Shungite Reality Archives https://shungite-reality-podcast.castos.com/
* RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/c-530635
*Shungite Reality Book
“Shungite Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva Walt - https://www.NewParadigmTools.net*SHUNGITE FAQ - https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-faq/*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.com*COUPON...
SHUNGITE REALITY” - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph with live look at graphene oxide under Derek's microscope. SHOW NOTES Graphene Oxide under...
“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva discussing Shungite and Dr Robert Young explaining the Internet of Bodies *SHUNGITE FAQ - https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-faq/*Mystical Wares...