SHUNGITE REALITY 8/1/23 - Emotional Freedom Techniques to Shungiite Science

August 03, 2023 01:59:48
SHUNGITE REALITY 8/1/23 - Emotional Freedom Techniques to Shungiite Science
Shungite Reality Podcast
SHUNGITE REALITY 8/1/23 - Emotional Freedom Techniques to Shungiite Science

Aug 03 2023 | 01:59:48


Hosted By

Julissa Helms Mark Joseph Nancy L. Hopkins Derek Condit Walt Silva

Show Notes

“Shungite Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva. SHOW PHOTO

The EFT Manual Paperback – 2011 by Gary Craig

How to Tap with Jessica Ortner

Unseen Therapist

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Can you believe in a finite object possessing infinite power, or that a mineral can be proclaimed the medicine of the 21st century? Or that the power of nature can win over the ignorance of man. If you can, you'll know why. Our mission is to get s Shungite to the masses. You are entering the S shungite zone. This is the s Shungite Radio Show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. And welcome to SS Shungite Reality. It's August 1st, 2023. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Derek Conant. And, uh, Walt S. Silver. Right now, mark is having a bit of a problem getting connected, so, uh, and Julissa may be on later, but, um, so hi there, Derek. How are you doing today? Speaker 2 00:01:11 Doing well, doing well. Hi here. Speaker 0 00:01:15 Say what? Speaker 2 00:01:16 I know I've, I'm doing well. I'm happy to be here. Sounds like today would be an interesting show. Speaker 0 00:01:22 Yeah, it should be. We found some things to talk about <laugh> and, uh, Walt, how are you doing today? Very Speaker 3 00:01:30 Good, thank you. Thank you for having me over. Speaker 0 00:01:33 Excellent, excellent. Well, I'm always glad to have you here. Um, okay, so what did we decide? We were gonna start with the E em, the e f T thing, right? Wow. Um, okay. So Walt, uh, Walt came across the thing called Emotional Freedom Techniques, and he started talking about it, and then it was, it was his, he, he was so excited about it that I was like, whoa, this is interesting. And so it led to a number of shows where we have essentially talked somewhat about it, and we're learning as we're going through this, we're finding out more about what it is. So to kind of set the stage, um, it's a technique that was developed a very long time ago, but the way that you might know it is through, they call it tapping because it's essentially just tapping points on your body. So why don't we look, let you talk about the guide that, the history of it, where it came about, you know, what you were telling us just before we started Walt, so people can understand a little bit more about this, and then I'll play the tape that'll take them through the tapping. Speaker 0 00:02:54 It's only seven minutes, but, and I, oh, I've gotta find that picture. So while you're talking, I'll find the picture, <laugh> that shows the points. Alright, so just tell about, uh, Greg, and, uh, is it Greg? Speaker 3 00:03:06 Uh, yeah, Speaker 0 00:03:07 Gary, Gary, Greg. Gary. Gary. Greg. Speaker 3 00:03:10 Greg. Uhhuh. <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:03:11 Yeah, talk about him. Speaker 3 00:03:13 Okay. The, the book, e f t is written by Gary Greg, but, uh, we, he, he himself gives credit where credit is due, uh, as to the very, very beginning of the tapping, which he gives credit to Dr. Callahan. And the reason this, this was very se it was a pure serendipity what happened, uh, because there weren't, nobody was out there looking for this, but, but that's how it happened. Pure serendipity. He had, uh, this patient, uh, Dr. Callahan had this patient that, um, she had extreme fovea, uh, to water. Like for example, she couldn't go near a pool. She, you know, uh, other than taking a a shower, she had this extreme fovea of, uh, of bodies of water. So one day he was, uh, working on her, uh, using, um, uh, acupuncture, uh, not acupuncture per se, with needles, but like, uh, digi punctu realize that when you are using your fingertips in order to, to touch the po, the acupuncture points and the body of, of the person. Speaker 3 00:04:28 So he was looking, he was working on the points on her abdomen, and all of a sudden she, she had, she had this reaction that she says, oh, I'm not afraid of water anymore. And he, and he wasn't focusing on that at all. He was just working on the person's condition. And she got up out of the, uh, she got up out of the chair where she was with, with him, with Dr. Callahan. And she went outside because it seems that his property had a small pool or something. And she, and he went out to see what is this woman doing? She went down on her hands and knees and she started splashing water on her face. And she was like saying, she was saying, oh, I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of the water anymore. So that's what got the ball rolling. Okay, what is the specific acupuncture point? Speaker 3 00:05:20 How they have a consequence with this, uh, behavioral issue that the, she was affected by this intense fo So the, the work of Dr. Callahan, what caught the attention of Carrie Craig? Because he's a, he's a, uh, uh, Stan Stanford u University engineer, and he looks at things from the point of view and engineer. He explains very well in his book, how for an engineer to, uh, apply something, uh, a process, something, it has to work, it has to have a percentage of success. If it doesn't work, okay, you move on to something else. Whereas, uh, s uh, psychologists and psychiatrist, they tried to see what works and they just keep trying and keep trying, and they keep trying, and they considered that successful. So he was kind of a bit shocked that the, the mentality of how it was done at the, on the medical equip, uh, on the medical field, how they just try things and they, and if it doesn't work, okay, we'll try some more and then keep trying. Speaker 3 00:06:29 And, and he says, that wasn't good enough for me because I look, I look at things from the point of view of engineers. When an engineer is going to work, apply something, it has to work, it has to have good positive results. Otherwise it's not, this is not gonna work and we have to develop something else. So he worked on, on the, on the tapping under that principle, it has to be successful. It has to have a, a, a positive solution to whatever is being addressed and be permanent. It can't be temporary. It can't be the same mentality behind drugs. Like, it's like, uh, let's say for example, they diagnose you with high hypertension. You have high blood pressure. Well, it's a life sentence. Until the day you die, you have to take hypertension pills because for some inexplicable reason, your body just can't regulate your blood normally. Speaker 3 00:07:25 Is this supposed to be acceptable? Is this normal <laugh>? No, it's not. Because the, the body is very intelligent and he knows how to correct himself once you address what brought about this imbalance. So he, that's why he, in the book, he explains very well that the, how everything is based on energy and how he says, we, people don't realize this, but the reason why something doesn't work is it's not because there's something wrong with you understanding an issue with you. It's just that there is an energy circuit, like a, like a short circuit. And that's short circuit is not allowing something in you not to not to work correctly. So by removing the short circuit, I'm putting things back where they're supposed to be, the problem goes away. And the the beauty of it is that it goes away permanently because once you address something, it doesn't come back. Speaker 3 00:08:25 Something else may appear in place because something else that's not been addressed needs to be addressed. So if you're going to continue working with the tapping it, it's not going to be for the same thing. Again, it's because something, okay, now you've cleared of this. Now this, okay, this new thing that you weren't aware <laugh> is make, is making its show because you're, you've cleared the main thing, okay? Now this other thing has to be addressed. So as you clear yourself, as you, as you clear this, these things, then you get better and better and better. Because now you don't have to go through life dealing with, uh, these, uh, conditions that you never solve. Because people take drugs, they do this, they, they do all these things for it, but they never got to the root of the problem. And the problem is energy. Speaker 3 00:09:19 Things that are outta walk come when it comes to the energy of it. So it, it is just buying, uh, you're buying yourself time by, you know, taking drugs or something else. But okay, what is the source of the problem? And he found that 99% of the source of the, a lot of these problems are, uh, emotional. They're, they're emotional energy. Once the emotional energy has been addressed and balanced, then the problem goes away. So that, that's why it's, it is, the, the book is a very fascinating reading because, uh, in a way it, uh, it fills the gap on, on many things for me at least. Uh, like for example, in, uh, Nancy has heard me speak, and the, and the two previous re radio shows how I've, uh, applied this for another area of human study, which is what they call a human design system. Speaker 3 00:10:15 And it's interesting how they, they explain things to you in a, in a, in, in, in the way, in the way it's handled the energy, and that they don't tell you how to fix it. Like, I'll, I'll give you a perfect example in the human design system, even though there's only, uh, five human types, but there are a lot of, uh, uh, different profiles on, for example, Derek knows, because I've spoken to him about his profile, how it's different from J's profile <laugh> and, and the differences between the two. And for example, uh, I'll give you a nice example in my own profile, is the pessimistic, paranoid martyr. Very nice sounding name, doesn't it? So they explain the, the, that you have the presence of these energy types inside you, okay? But they don't tell you how to address it. Okay, how can I fix, how can I fix this condition of being a paranoid, pessimistic martyr? Speaker 3 00:11:26 Are you, are you saying that this is a life sentence? There's nothing I can do about it? You know, the answer is yes, there is something you can do about it by repairing that energy, by correcting that short circuit that you had. So that's, I said to Nancy, this, this was a, a great chapter in, in our discoveries of enology, that yes, there is a way that all these energies can be adjusted and corrected, and you don't have to live with something just because, oh, the doctor told me that I have this for the, oh, that this is hereditary and my family going back all the way to my great-grandfather, you had this condition, therefore you have to, no, no, that's not, none of that is true. They just, they're, they, they sound like very convincing explanations, but they're not true. Everything is energy and everything can be corrected. It's just that we don't, we need, nobody has told us how <laugh> Speaker 0 00:12:23 Well, let, let's look at how, because it's so thinkingly simple, it's, and it doesn't take any time. And according to, uh, Walt's experience, it works very fast. So why don't we just play this seven minutes, and she's gonna take you through the basics, what you would see on YouTube if you look, and like Walt says, there's more to it, but let's just give everybody a taste for what we're talking about. And there is a picture in the chat that will show you the points that she's going to point to. Speaker 4 00:12:54 Welcome to the tapping I am Jessica Ortner, author of the New York Times bestseller, the Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence. And in this short video, I am going to introduce you to the tapping points. Just by learning these nine points, you can start your journey to relieve stress. Many of these points you may already intuitively use. A lot of times when we're feeling anxious or stressed, we go like this, or we put our hand on our chest. Now we're using these points in a very conscious manner. So the very first point that you need to learn is the side of the hand. And it doesn't matter what side of the body you tap on. This point is called the karate chop point. You got it. And tap along with me so you can get comfortable with these points. The next point is the eyebrow point. Speaker 4 00:13:44 And this is where the hair begins on your eyebrow, right on that bone. There you go, you got it. Now you're gonna follow that bone until you find yourself on the side of your eye. So it's not your temple, it's right on that bone. The next point is underneath the eye. So once again, you follow that bone until you find yourself right underneath the eye. And as you're tapping, you might notice that some points are more sensitive than others. The next point is underneath the the nose. So right between your upper lip and your nose. Speaker 4 00:14:18 Then we have the under the lip point, or some people call it the chin point. It's right underneath your lip on that crease between your chin and your lip. The next one is the collarbone point. So you can use your whole hand to tap on your chest, or you can feel that U-shaped bone. And if you go down an inch and over an inch on either side, you're gonna hit that point. Perfect. The next point is underneath the arm. And it's about a hand width from your armpit for women. This is about where your bra strap lies. And, and then the last point, and yes, I know it looks silly, but a great point to hit a lot of these meridians is right on the top of the head. Speaker 4 00:15:00 There you go. So those are the nine points. Now, when you wanna start to tap, the first thing to do is to notice what is really coming up. What's your most pressing issue? Are you nervous about a deadline at work? Are you anxious about a phone call or some news that you've heard? Whatever it is, get clear on what's creating the anxiety in your body. Because when we are feeling stressed, we're not just experiencing stress in our head, we feel it with our whole body, which is why it's so powerful to use a stress relief technique that incorporates the body. So you start by tapping on the side of the hand, and you start with the setup statement. The setup statement is pretty easy, and it sets you up for the process. You state your challenge and you end it with a phrase of acceptance or simply letting yourself know that you're okay. Speaker 4 00:15:49 So it sounds something like this, even though I'm really anxious about this meeting, I accept how I feel, or even though I'm really stressed about this upcoming event, I accept how I feel and I give myself permission to relax. There's a lot of different ways to do the setup statement, but what's key is to let yourself know that you honor how you feel. 'cause too often when we're trying to move past an emotion, we're fighting against it. When we allow ourselves to accept where we are and how we feel, we open ourselves up to releasing it. Then you tap on the rest of the points by simply sharing how you feel. So you can pretend that you're calling a friend and you're just complaining. You're just telling them how you feel. This is the tape that you're probably already running in your head. So as a short example, going with this theme of being nervous about a meeting, it would start with tapping on the side of the hand and saying, even though I'm so nervous about this upcoming meeting, I accept how I feel and I give myself permission to relax. Speaker 4 00:16:58 You would do that three times. And now you tap on the rest of the points while giving a voice to how you feel. And this sends a calming signal to your brain, letting your brain know that even though you're nervous about this meeting, that you are safe, that it's safe to relax. And when you can relax, you can be more resourceful and creative and do a great job at your meeting. So then you would go to the eyebrow point and say something like this, stress around this meeting side of the eye. I'm nervous. I won't do well under the eye. I care so much about this meeting and it's causing me anxiety under the nose, the stress around this meeting, chin, all of these expectations, collarbone dis tension, I feel in my body underneath the arm. All this stress around this meeting, top of the head, all this stress around this meeting, if you're not sure what to say, like I mentioned before, you can pretend you're talking to a friend, or you can just say the same thing, honoring how you feel, the stress around this meeting, the stress around this meeting. And once we bring down the intensity, we can focus on some positive phrases. Because when we pull out the weeds, we're able to now seed. We can actually say positive things to ourselves, and we believe them. So once you feel better, and that's the key, when you feel better, you can move to something more positive. So it would sound something like this, I am prepared side of the eye. I'm calm and confident under the eye. I'm ready to share my ideas under the nose, I feel strong and confident. Speaker 4 00:18:51 Chin, this is my time collarbone. I am ready for this meeting. Under the arm, I feel calm and confident, top of the head. Now is my time. So you can incorporate how you're feeling, letting go of the anxiety. And when you're able to move that, then you bring in the more positive, and then it actually feels real. So next time you tap notice, as soon as you start feeling better, try to put in some positive statements. You'll get to the point where you can think about that meeting and your body feels relaxed. And when you feel relaxed, then it's easier to bring in more empowering thoughts. Now, when you tell yourself that you can feel confident and prepared, you can believe yourself because you let go of the anxiety that was coming up with those thoughts. That's a very, very quick introduction on where the tapping points are and how to tap. But [email protected], we have a lot more resources so you can really learn how to get the best results. Well, it's been an honor to introduce tapping to you. I hope this is just the beginning. And until we meet again, take care and keep tapping. Speaker 0 00:20:14 So, um, Derek, do you wanna ask Walt some questions or discuss what you're thinking about this? Speaker 2 00:20:22 Yeah, that, that was interesting. Uh, and I've actually got the image up that was shared in chat, showing the different points and things. Now, of course, probably like many others, I was doing it while she was talking about it. Um, tapping on those spots, I was, I think it's a fair, and I'd never heard about this before until the show. Um, so I'm learning about it now. Um, and I think it's fantastic, um, because you're interacting on all levels physically and metaphysically. So even, you know, getting close to those points and doing the tapping and then your intention behind it, which is everything she was saying as well, um, has a fantastic, uh, effect. And I, again, I had no, I always like call things recipes, a recipe like this to show that, you know, here's a suggested way to do it. Um, well, you Speaker 3 00:21:06 Had a, a golden opportunity because Nancy told us that you had a, recently you had some kind of a, uh, you went somewhere or you were surrounded by some group where it just made you very ner nervous and very tense, and she kinda helped you calm down. Well, this is a perfect opportunity 'cause you can address that energy and actually reshape it so you, so you don't have to go through the, the, the stress of that, uh, ener energy affecting you all the time. Speaker 2 00:21:38 Yeah, it's kinda like, uh, that's a good idea. And yeah, different speaking engagements and things. I do this one, um, it's kinda like I had the visual of like a guitar string, um, that maybe wasn't plucked, right? So when you're tapping there with your intention behind it, you're then setting your frequency or intention. Um, so then everything kind of syncs up. You know, this can of course is word play. You can describe it 20 ways, but I'm gonna look more into the E F T. And that's, I think that's the, uh, abbreviation or initials, um, that it was, and no, I'm trying to think of specific. And I think Jist and Mark have both joined us as well now. So if anybody has questions, um, from the group, please do and or chat by the way. Um, but while have you used this, how long have you known about it? I'll put it that way. Speaker 3 00:22:24 Well, truth be told, I knew about it from years ago, uh, with a, with a family situation where, uh, a friend, the same friend who introduced me to the 15th step process, uh, he, uh, taught the e f P to my mother to help her get over the, uh, the emotional trauma that we were going through with this, uh, family relation. And, uh, it worked fantastic. But, uh, given the time that we were just re recently arriving in, in Minnesota, and there were so many other things focusing on our time that I never, uh, stuck with it in n never paid attention to actually work with it and develop it. I just knew that it worked with my mother and that's all that mattered at the time. But then, uh, as, as, as time has changed and on all the, my physical condition actually gave me the, the motivation to look into other things, uh, it actually answered many questions in my case because, uh, it actually brought to the, the surface the truth that, uh, 99% or a hundred percent of, of, uh, of, of, of physical conditions that you're going through, they're actually a consequence of emotional energy upset, which in, in turn manifests as a kind of, uh, energy short circuit and, and, and it screws up your entire energy. Speaker 3 00:23:55 Once that's corrected, the problem goes away. The memory of a VA event stays there because you remember it, but it no longer has that consequence for you. It, it no longer affects you. Like there, there are some people that cannot look at a picture or cannot hear a specific name, and they get all nervous or they get all stressed. Well, that goes away because that, that energy has been corrected. And, and it, it all, like I said to Nancy, it all comes down to energy. And that's exactly what we're looking at in this new, this new reality that we're working toward <laugh>, we're going away from drugs and we're addressing everything for what it is, is energy. And this one thing that, uh, that <laugh> that's, uh, very important is energy never grows old. Like when we used to do the 15 step process, and I would help my mother, and it, it, she would see the, for example, one time she had this terrible pain on one, one shoulder. Speaker 3 00:24:59 No. And no matter what we did, it didn't react to, to anything. And then I guided her in a 15 step session, and it turned out that the pain was, she was a young girl somewhere in France in the 15 hundreds, and she, her shoulder was, must have sustained kind of the damage because it, it was all bandaged up. And so we did the session to correct that, and 48 hours later, the pain was gone, never to come back. So it just goes to show that time doesn't affect energy. In fact, time lasts. Uh, I mean, energy lasts at time because for energy there is no time. So you have to fix it because if you don't fix it, it, it doesn't go away. <laugh> and, and fixing it takes no time at all, pardon the pun. But that's true. It takes no time at all, and it doesn't come back because you've addressed it Speaker 0 00:25:54 Well, and it probably doesn't take too much of, uh, you don't have to understand the full reasons why you might have an issue. You just have to realize you have an issue and allow the body just to correct it. Because that's Speaker 3 00:26:10 What psychiatrist is for <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:26:12 No, we don't want psychiatrist. You don't need that. I mean, in your mother's case, if you had known about the tapping, you may have inadvertently gotten rid of the problem without ever having the history of a past life incarnation, correct? Yeah. Uh, and this, this is just amazing because now we can, you know, uh, actually heal all those Trumpers <laugh>, which is, which is teach 'em how to tap and the emotional, you know, response they have when they hear the name Trump won't happen anymore. So let's push this tapping stuff. Mark, you're here now. So Hi there, how are you? Speaker 5 00:26:55 Hey, Nancy, everybody. Speaker 3 00:26:57 Hello. Speaker 5 00:26:58 You're Speaker 0 00:26:58 Welcome. Good, good to hear your voice. Would you like to, uh, you know, because I know that you know something about this and uh, maybe you've got questions or maybe you've got anecdotes. Speaker 5 00:27:09 Uh, yeah, I don't have too much to say, just a little bit. Um, as I learned it through Mercola, uh, Dr. Mercola, his site, he was promoting it heavily years ago. I'm sure it's still on its site, but I did get a couple books on it. There are different variations. There's like, thought field therapy, and I think in that book they showed, um, some lab work of how the, um, what do you call, I mean, you guys call it energy, which is the same thing as biological electricity, bioelectricity of the, of the body, the meridians of the body. So they did do an experiment, I think it was in the thought field therapy book of, of showing how, um, these, these energy pathways are exactly physically. But, um, yeah, I tried it works. Um, it's, I'm glad you guys brought it up on the other shows. Speaker 5 00:27:56 And then of course, there's more detail in the say what show Saturday, so people can check that out more. Um, it does work and like, for almost anything. So a a lot of, one of the terms used nowadays a lot is anxiety, which is just fear. And so people can, you know, uh, eradicate that in minutes with this. Uh, also wanted to comment that the image that Nancy put in the chat of, of the head tapping at the top is, is not the textbook version. Um, well, it cover that in the say what show that if you do the original version versus the shortcuts, then you have more of that, um, more of the complete, uh, result. Uh, well, if you can quickly, uh, Speaker 3 00:28:42 Yeah. In, in, in my case, I, I, um, I'm aware of both systems because I first started looking into it, uh, once I remembered what, uh, um, uh, Eric taught us years ago, I started looking at the, uh, my mother was the one, the, the first one to start looking into, uh, what do you call it, uh, um, YouTube. And the videos listed there, and I followed the videos, but I, uh, I remembered it being more effective, and I didn't see, I, I'm saying like, I'm really, I'm not seeing in the results that they're, that they're promising is I, I don't, I don't know. But at the same time, like for example, I saw one video where Craig himself, he's in the video and he makes, he pays us, he mentions a code, something that start struck me, and I said, Hmm, this is significant. Speaker 3 00:29:38 He said something about, this is a shortened version. I said, oh, Ahuh. So this is a, so there's a longer version. So once I heard those words, I, that's when I started looking for the book. I got, I gotta see what's going on. The, the, the book must say more. And, and so it happened when I got the book, it lists 23, um, points, which is a lot more points than what you see in the, in the graphic there. And so when I, when I pr, when I use the 23 points and applied in the, in the sequence that they're given, then I got results because it, the, there are four, uh, important points that are done in the E f t in the way that, that it's given in the, in the book. The first one is the psychological reversal correction, that before you have top any points in the, in the body, uh, you address the rev reverse, the psychological reversal, where, where he, he goes on to explain that it's like a, for example, there are people that complain that no matter what they try to do, nothing works, or they keep getting, uh, hit with snafus or more reversals or something. Speaker 3 00:30:57 And that's, it's not nothing wrong with you, it's just an energy issue. You have to, it's like, uh, he says it is like when you have the electric polarity on a socket being re being reversed, and you want to put it back, right? That's what the psychological reversal does. So you by saying those words, even though I have this pain, I totally love and accept myself. So that's what does, what does that, what what is achieved. By doing that, you are correcting that reversal. So then when you do the tapping, it'll work because you're, you're act you're bringing that into proper alignment. Uh, you'll, uh, you'll know, you pay attention to the, the wording. It's very important you know that you're making that statement. No matter what, no matter what condition I'm facing, no matter what I'm experiencing, no matter what am I feeling, I totally love and accept myself. Speaker 3 00:31:58 So you can see that love and acceptance is critical to this. Otherwise, the, the energy will not be, will not go the the correct way. Once the energy is corrected, the being the first step, then you go about the, the job of tapping the 23 different points. And the very important thing is that while you're tapping, you are whispering or mumbling to yourself, the, the what is the condition that you're focusing on where, whereas other techniques say that, oh, you shouldn't be focusing on that stuff. Now, this is the, quite the opposite. You have to focus it because now you're actually directing the energy and what is it that you want? So you are focusing on that. What, and so once you've done the, the 23 points, you do the, the third point, which is called the gamut point, which is, um, there's a specific point on the back of the hand that you tap. Speaker 3 00:32:55 And while you're tapping, you're moving your eyes in a specific way. You're moving up and down and left and right, and you're, uh, moving your eyes in a cir in circular motion, clockwise and, uh, counter-clockwise. And then you're humming or, or singing a very short, like for example, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, and then you stop. And then you, all the time you're tapping that point on your hand, you're saying, uh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Then you say, you know, happy birthday again, and you stop. And what does the, that is doing is actually aligning the two hemispheres of the brain, bringing them into synchronicity, and it's going to make your e f t even more effective. So once you do that silly thing, which sounds and looks kind of silly, you do the tapping again, and the second time you do it, that's it. Speaker 3 00:33:51 You do, the process is concluded for that. Uh, that's what, and, and another thing they have is that sometimes, uh, because Garrick, uh, says to people to get used to gauging the, the, uh, intensity of what is this condition that you're trying to correct. So, so from 10 being the highest and zero being nothing at all, you say, okay, what is my intensity of my pain? Let's say I have a pain in my shoulder. Okay, what is my intensity? Uh, it feels like a three. So you, you do it again. But he also, in the book, he addresses something that none of the videos do, and that's what, what he refers to as the remainder, because sometimes you have a, a, a condition addressed, but there's a remaining energy of that. So you actually change your statement instead of saying, even though I have this shoulder pain, you changed the statement, but even though I have some shoulder pain still with me, I love and accept myself. Speaker 3 00:35:03 So you're actually addressing the remaining that. And as you're tapping through the points, instead of focusing on the pain on the shoulder, you're focusing on remaining pain on the shoulder, remaining pain on the shoulder remaining pain. So that way you address all of it that the main thing and whatever's left. So these are, these were all these fine sensitive points that were never addressed in any of the videos. So I'm very glad I went out and bought the book. Uh, like I was saying to Derek and Nancy, uh, since he based a lot of his work on, on Dr. Callahan's work, Dr. Callahan is the one who found this issue. Uh, and it's, it's an energy blockage that some people manifest that where they do the tapping and nothing happens. They don't perceive any changes at all. So he founds some kind of blockage. He refers to it as, um, uh, uh, what do you, what do you call it? Speaker 3 00:36:03 The, um, the, uh, the color bone breathing technique. And, and he, he tells you in the book how to touch your, your collarbone with fingers of one hand, while you're tapping the gamut point on the back of that hand, and you're breathing in a specific way. And on you're counting seven taps. You have full your full breath. You like, for example, take a b deep breath, you tap seven ti times, then you let go of the half of the air and you tap seven points, and you let go of the rest of the air, and you tap seven points, and then you breathe normally, and you tap seven points. And, and by doing this, you clear up this blockage. But it only happens, uh, according to his experience, it only happens in about 5% of the people. Not everybody has this issue. So it is something to be thrown in, only if the person is finding that they have no progress or no positive results from the tapping. Speaker 3 00:37:07 Other than that, you don't normally do it. Uh, I mean, I, I studied because I wanted to see all the, all the bells of whistles of this. And, uh, like, like I told Nancy, another, another chapter of the book goes on to, uh, explain what are the shortcuts that you can take. Well, I have to confess that for someone who likes to read something interesting, I, I actually skipped that, that chapter because I tried skipping steps and it doesn't work for me. If I do the full thing, it works. I get immediate positive results, but the shortcuts that they don't work for me. So maybe I'm faulting some way <laugh>, I don't know. Speaker 0 00:37:52 Let me jump in here because I put a link to the Amazon, uh, where you can buy the Gary's book in Amazon. But be aware that in Amazon, there is another book, same title, same cover, but it's the, the author is a Female Dawson church, and that's a 2018, uh, version versus the one by Gary. The, the update, which is a 2011. He orig. The original book is in oh eight. You can go to, you know, different, do a search and see if some of these thrift, uh, books, the used books, you can get it cheaper. But, um, I wanted to give you that link so that you'd be able to see the book we're talking about, because I don't, I've never seen something where the book was, the cover's identical, title identical, but the authors are different. That's just beyond what I even understand. But so be aware of that. Um, okay. Um, mark, Derek, did you have anything you wanted to? Speaker 5 00:38:58 Yeah, so Dawson church site is eft Um, and then what, what was the name, uh, author and title of the book you recommended, or were you were using specifically? Speaker 0 00:39:11 Gary Craig. That's spelled c r a i g. And it's Emotional Freedom Technologies. It's a 2011 is the one that, uh, the link I gave, which is an update of his oh eight. Speaker 5 00:39:34 Yeah, it does sound hard to believe, but I like one of the, um, approaches of measuring zero to 10 before and after doing the, the process so that you can, Speaker 3 00:39:45 Yeah, you get an idea if it's working or not. Speaker 5 00:39:48 <laugh> Yeah, yeah, because you, you know, the, the, the conscious mind ego always tries to explain things away no matter what it is. So this way it's like, there's the me the measurability is pretty invaluable. Speaker 0 00:40:01 Well, on Saturday, I played another tape from a, a doctor type of person that was talking about the differences in psycho, well, psycha psych psychiatric, uh, therapies and how much faster the tapping is than the others. She goes through it, it's a ted, uh, 15 minute presentation. And in there she said that after a year they did a, they did a, a study with some volunteers, and after a year, they would call them and say, so how are you doing? And this one woman couldn't, she remembered going to the, being part of the study, and she knew she was doing tapping to clear something, but she couldn't remember what it was. And so this woman said, well, you had a thing with chocolate, and she said you were eating, you know, like a whole bunch of chocolate bars during the day. And the woman was like, oh, yeah, I remember when I did that. But she had no actual memory of this real addiction that she had to chocolate, which I found interesting. So, um, Derek, Speaker 2 00:41:09 Um, I'm, no, I don't have any questions, but I'm gonna have to do some research and look more into it. And I did keep that link you sent for, uh, Amazon or whatnot. Um, I, I wanna play around with it and figure it out and find the more specific, like Mark said, there's a different, um, image or graph out there we can look at. So I'm gonna try and find that and get him hone in the areas. Just, just, Speaker 0 00:41:31 Just make sure it's not copyrighted. Speaker 2 00:41:33 I know <laugh>, no <laugh>. Yeah, we don't need that drama. Speaker 0 00:41:37 I just want to, because I mentioned it. Okay. Um, Derek got an email saying that on my, my, I own cosmic He's, he's the sponsor, but I mean, I'm a legal one for it, and they sent it to him instead of me. And they went back to 2017 and said that Reuters had a, that I had a picture from Reuters, and they, it was in a collage. Now, okay, I don't know if it is or not, but you know, you went all the way back to 2017 and you find a co collage that was a, a promo for a show, and you're, you know, they wanted some money. Well, it turns out to be this whole scam, but the other thing that was happening was that I have Norton's on my computer and every, it was never the, it was so weird because sometimes it would come up and sometime, most of the time it wouldn't. But it came up that this was a dangerous website, the Mystical Wears website. And so Derek went and figured out how to talk to Norton about this, and you wanna tell it? Or do you want me to tell it, Derek? Speaker 2 00:42:50 Oh, no, you can go ahead and tell it if you want. Speaker 0 00:42:52 Okay. And, uh, essentially it, it's sort of another scam, <laugh>, although it's, it's more, I mean, they're not, what they're asking him to do is, is register and get a, a statement that goes on the website that says, Norton's checked this site and it's good. And so he now is by Norton's Standard, a good website, but he had to sign up for that. And, um, so anybody out there that might be having the same problem, you don't even know it because, so, like I say, it was hit and miss. I could mostly get in then every once in a while I'd get it. And the one that really jumped out at me is when I put the link in an email to, uh, somebody and, um, it, it flagged red dangerous website. And I'm like, I can't send this. What, what's happening here? So, um, but that's CL cleared up. If you, if it happens, if you happen to see it, please let us know because it was sort of accidental that, you know, it really got my attention email thing. Um, so, alright, so we had a very interesting conversation there. Do you guys have anything else you wanted to add to it or discuss, or are you good? Speaker 5 00:44:06 I think I remember reading, um, because I, they have a newsletter a while ago, E f T universe, and they would have a listing of certain or whatever, ailments or annoyances anxieties specifically, and then how, and each one had a story of how the person used it and then what happened afterwards. So it's, it's been, it's really useful and, and can be used for almost anything. Speaker 3 00:44:30 They are super useful because, uh, you end up, by reading those stories, you end up discovering, oh, I didn't know I could use it for that. But I mean, that's what gave me the idea to use it to fix issues in human design. Because I was telling Nancy in the previous show how when you're looking at human, for those that dunno about human design, you know, some of your centers are open, others are defined, and when your centers are open, that's where you get the conditioning that you get from the human collective. And there's nothing according to them, you know, there's nothing you can do with it as all. All you can do is just be mindful of your inner, uh, authority and so that you can avoid being controlled by the not self mind. Well, it's just, again, it's just an energy issue. Because when I used E F T to address the not self mind, guess what the, all that energy conflict that you're constantly living with, with the nuts of mind, guess what? It's gone because it is energy. You just addressed it on the o on the open centers where you get all this conditioning all the time. It's, it's, oh, we're done with because you've straightened around the that energy. So these are the things that I was saying to Nancy. They don't tell you that in human design. They don't, they don't tell you that all the problems that you meet in human design are actually addressable <laugh>. It's just, it's just energy and you just need to learn how to manage it. That's all. Speaker 0 00:46:01 Yeah, but that's part of the game we play here is that <laugh>, everything's timing. Yeah. You know, so you knew about this tapping a while back, but you went into human design, Speaker 3 00:46:14 Never made the connection. You know, the one thing was addressable, Speaker 0 00:46:18 Right? And now we know we're learning in neurology, we're learning the, you know, that everything is basic. While it is, everything is energy. And that if, hey, we wanna be magicians, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And what's magic? It's a manipulation of energy. So you're, you know, you're making changes to your own body. Now, this is just sort of like a theoretic thing here. Let's just play with this here for a second. Um, okay. So we know that each of us has a unique frequency. Your bio frequency, you know, it's specific to you. It's built over your lifetime. Every place you win, every person you talk to, you know, you pick up these little, uh, bits of information that then are put into your own energy field, your field of experience, let's put it that way. And so you've got this unique, unique, unique signal, except that it's very similar to other people. Speaker 0 00:47:16 Uh, one time Walt said something about 44,000, and I'm going like, why does that sound right? Somebody said it on a, a show and, uh, you know, Walt did a pendulum thing and said, yeah, pendulum's, you know, confirming that. And so you make a change in your body. Like, let's just go back to the Trump thing, okay? You hate Trump. Every time you hear the word Trump, you go, oh my God. You know? So let's say you really wanna get rid of this thing because it's, it's a crippling part of your, your essence there. Get rid of it. Well, if you get rid of that, then 44,000 other people are likely to have a resonance response to what you just did. And they may all of a sudden be free of this curse of the Trump thing, because that was in manipulation. So now I'm wondering, okay, so I don't have that thing. Speaker 0 00:48:14 I, I did initially, but then I paid attention to what he was saying, and I'm saying, why does this guy bother me saying the things I say? And, uh, finally realized, oh, somebody was programming me to have that reaction. This is before Trump syndrome came into play. I was just analyzing what, why was I having that response to him? I mean, the man would virtually start talking and I'd had to stop it, you know? I mean, it was like this immediate response I was having, and I realized I'd been programmed. So, um, you know, okay, so I just kind of like said I don't have a contract with that and boom. Um, but if you, if, if, if an individual does this, you know, and thinks in terms of this is not just me, I am setting my body right? I want everybody out there who is wanting to have the same thing, to be free of this mind control thing, um, and, and just do it, and then you've put it into the collective consciousness of humanity. Speaker 0 00:49:17 I see, I think that, that we have this, this concept of the free will, but i, if you don't use free will, you know, if you don't knowingly make changes, uh, what's the point of having it? And this concept of we don't have any jurisdiction over other people's free will absolutely stands because they have the decision whether or not to play my game or not. Do you want, do you want somebody else to step in to, to make it faster so that we don't have to keep going down this stupid road of emotional turmoil over the truth? I mean, trust Speaker 3 00:50:00 Me. And that's why you have, that's why you have to spend countless millions of dollars in advertisement so that people will see, you will see your point of view, not their point of view. Speaker 0 00:50:11 Well, I don't think you have to do it that way. I think you could do it from the subconscious. I'm gonna make programing change, change subconscious. Now it's in your subconscious. You wanna do, you wanna pay attention to it or not? Because it's not like, it's not like you're not already in that place. Somebody's trying to control you. All right? In this case it's me. I want you better. I want this, this crippling thing that some people have where their minds just go, I want that gone for my, for my humanity, for my reality. So I'm putting that out there. Now, it's your decision whether to take, take in what I'm saying at the subconscious level or not. 'cause you know, I mean, Walt, you're the one that says, you know, that the body, you know, just takes the orders that it gets from Yeah. The surroundings. Speaker 3 00:51:01 It doesn't know truth from false. It, it, it takes everything at face value. Speaker 0 00:51:07 Exactly. So if you, at the super consciousness, you know, your consciousness thing have, have got this image in there that Nancy put in there, okay, that, oh, I don't have the Trump syndrome anymore. It's done, done, you know, no more. Okay. All you have to do is say, yeah, I'm good with that. And your body is already responding to it because you have not interject. Because I mean, our bodies are gonna wanna do what is whatever you tell it, but it's also going to wanna self preserve. So sometimes, I mean, if somebody says, I want to kill myself, your body's going like, I don't think I wanna do that. <laugh>, you, you know, I mean, so there's a lot of levels that we're talking here, but I think we can do more. And I think we have the right to do more. I think we have the responsibility to do more, you know, if somebody's drowning, and you know that if I, if you threw that life preserver in, they wouldn't drown. But hey, there's decision to drown or not to drown. No. It's your decision to throw the life tube tube to 'em. So anyway, little theory here. Theoretical What? Philosophical theory <laugh>, uh, anybody wanna comment? No. Speaker 3 00:52:29 <laugh> agreement. Speaker 0 00:52:32 Did I not make Speaker 3 00:52:33 You Speaker 0 00:52:34 I don't need agreement. I mean, you can. Well, Speaker 3 00:52:36 No, you, no, I agree with what you said, because now all I have to do is, even though I absolutely, even though I can't stand Donald Trump on his voice, I absolutely love and accept myself. So now I've correct, uh, that energy so it doesn't affect me anymore. Speaker 0 00:52:53 Excellent. Speaker 3 00:52:54 That's it. As long as you correct the energy. It's just, it's all, it's all energy and it doesn't grow old. Yep. People that, oh no, that was, that, that happened 20 years ago. I don't care. No. Are you, are you kidding? It was a million years ago. It's still valid because the energy doesn't grow old <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:53:16 No, it doesn't. Okay. Um, we've got seven minutes here. You wanna, what else do we have on our list? I had Speaker 5 00:53:26 A question for, I even ask Walt about, uh, there's a new version of E f t, like an involved version. Did, did you look into that? 'cause he has, he has a free ebook of that, right? Speaker 3 00:53:36 You mean the, uh, unseen therapist? Yep. I'm reading that too. Speaker 5 00:53:41 Okay. Speaker 3 00:53:42 I, in fact, I, I went backwards. I started studying the unseen therapist before. The reason I, I went and went ahead and studied E F T is because in reading everything in the unseen therapist, he mentions e F t about this, about that. And I said, I thought to myself, oh, I'm missing a big piece of the puzzle bite because I don't know E f t in depth, I'm just aware of what my mother did, but not in depth. So that, so I put that on pause for a second, and then I decided to focus on the e ft. Now that I have a handle on the E F T and why it does what it does, then I can continue studying the, uh, on the, uh, what the unseen therapist, because the, the unseen therapist is, you actually get to the talk to your unseen therapist. In fact, that's what happened, that event that happened, uh, in the hospital where, uh, I told, uh, Dolly and Dolly told me what happened. That's, that's the person I saw the unseen, my unseen therapist <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:54:49 Do you have a, do you have, do you have a link to that? Uh, P D F I Speaker 3 00:54:53 Already put it in chat. Okay. Speaker 0 00:54:55 Oh, okay. Thank you. And so what, what's the unseen therapist book about? Speaker 3 00:55:04 Well, it's a, it's about, uh, the, uh, it's like e f T, but it's way, way more advanced than E F T because you're actually, it's like you're fixing yourself from the inside. You're actually, uh, correcting everything because everything is based on e every upset, everything that's out of whack. It's all, uh, not only energy, but it's emotional energy. So once you address the emotions, you know, uh, it goes away. Like there are countless events like, um, uh, case in case in point, this, this woman had this physical condition, uh, which is something that, that, that didn't allow her body to function in a specific way. Well, once that the en the, the emotional energy behind that condition came before then she was able to start making progress. And actually li like, uh, the lady for example, she was, uh, get, she was able to see less and less. Speaker 3 00:56:07 She was eventually going to end up absolutely blind. And the doctor said the only way to correct this is by, uh, uh, surgery. And she listened. She heard that, and she didn't want that for herself. So she actually, and called upon the unseen therapist and, and found what the reason that she was, why she was ending up blind. And there was a, something that happened in the, that affected her childhood where, uh, it, the, the program was something that wouldn't let her see what's going on. So once that, that energy was addressed, but in this case, you're not addressing it yourself by tapping your body. You're addressing it by giving it to your unseen therapist. So she actually, she takes that energy, that upset in you and, and corrects it, and you are the one being witness to the, the correction. So, uh, she did a 22nd, 20 minute session with her on seeing therapist. Speaker 3 00:57:11 And, uh, in 24 hours, she was able, she got 2020 vision. Uh, I, I saw the video of it because it's, uh, in one of the YouTube videos. And just like that, there are so many different cases where people are experiencing, and in, in many cases, they're not, uh, experiencing things that are coming to them in this life. Then, you know, these are problems that are, you're carrying over from another life. So that's even more difficult to find out, okay, what's, what's the, what's the upset behind this? It, it happened in my previous life. So what <laugh> what, how am I going to fix it? I haven't done anything in this life to cause this. So by you having that access to your unseen therapist, she knows, she, she knows, and she doesn't judge you. So, so she has no judgment whether you're doing something right or wrong, all she caress is for the love and the oneness that we are all one. Speaker 3 00:58:07 It's just, we're all one thing. It's not, we're not separate from any, from each other. We are all one thing. So it is, it's, it's that book, um, the, the link that Derek put. It's very, it's, it's worth reading countless times because every time you read it, you get something there. <laugh> something more, another insight that you didn't see the first time. But I had to go back to the E F T because it kept referring to the E F T. And I said, okay, no, no, no, I'm, I'm missing a piece of the puzzle here. I need to see what E F T is before I can continue reading, reading this on this one. You don't have to pay anybody anything because it's the, the P D F is free on the web. Speaker 0 00:58:52 Awesome. Okay. Thank you very much. I think we gave people, uh, something to think about and something to test, you know, and, you know, listeners, let, let us know what you're feeling there. You know, the only way we know well, we'll do it ourselves. Like I say, I got the book coming. I'll, I'll look at this other book here. And, uh, not that I think I have anything wrong with me, of course, but, Speaker 3 00:59:16 Oh, never, never <laugh> Speaker 0 00:59:19 <laugh>. But you never know. You might as well check it out, right? Speaker 3 00:59:23 That's right. That's like the t-shirt that says, I never make a mistake once. I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken. Speaker 0 00:59:30 Yeah, Speaker 3 00:59:30 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:59:32 Yep. All right, so let's take a break here. It's, uh, Craig Stewart Shungite. And three minutes, Speaker 7 00:59:57 You, you, you, you, you, you, Speaker 8 01:00:53 The movement of the people is coming. Speaker 1 01:00:58 Everything's Speaker 8 01:00:59 Gonna be okay. The movement of the people is coming. It's never gonna go away. Now's our time, our time to work together to create justice for each and every person. Speaker 1 01:02:13 The Speaker 8 01:02:13 People are coming. Speaker 0 01:02:55 And welcome back to Shungite Reality. It's August 1st, 2023. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Derek Conant. Mark Joseph, and Walt Silva is Julissa with us. Hello? Speaker 9 01:03:11 Um, Speaker 2 01:03:12 I thought you Speaker 3 01:03:12 Were Hello? Speaker 2 01:03:13 Yes, Speaker 10 01:03:13 I, I'm here <laugh>. Sorry, I was struggling with the mute button. Speaker 0 01:03:16 Okay. Alright. Okay. So, um, Speaker 3 01:03:27 I had a question for Derek on the articles that he posted. Just a quick question, Uhhuh. Um, in looking at the, uh, because I see that every article has like a, like a little synopsis before you see the, the whole article. So like, for example, this one has a, about a, uh, green extraction of graphene from natural minerals Shang. So, but looking at these synopsis, they don't specify if this is naturally occurring followings or they are laboratory made followings, do you know? Speaker 2 01:04:04 No. Uh, some of 'em they'll say, and usually I'm just cutting and paste in the abstract. It's usually called or introduction. Um-huh <affirmative> I know, you know that. Um, but for the listeners who maybe aren't viewing this right now, so I'd have to, I'm kind of skimming through the, so again, for the listeners who were on the mystical website, and then there's a link for Shungite Science or studies, I forget what it's called, one of those, it'll be obvious. And when you click on there, and I'm gonna add, I found three more actually, um, in the last couple hours studies, I'm gonna upload there on Shun Guide. Um, so that's what we're talking about on the science page. And one of the articles has that in there. So I'm gonna to click on that myself to totally be honest and read, because some of these, most of 'em are talking about S shungite directly. Speaker 2 01:04:51 Some of 'em are talking about an extraction process. And I have almost 60 studies up there right now, so I gotta scan through this. Um, but to be honest, I'd have to read it as well to click on the, usually it's a view more button, so when people end up on the website, it'll then I'll link you to the whole study if I can. Sometimes it's a partial P D F where they make you buy the thing. Um, so I get you as, as, as deep and as much info as possible on each of these. Um, but I don't know the answer to that one, to be honest. Speaker 3 01:05:24 'cause I noticed that they're not one, one of the things that, uh, you have to admire them, you know, all the money that they spend and all the science that they invest in. Uh, but it's like, uh, is is this some, am I, I can't be that special that I'm seeing something, which, which is so obvious. And, and what I'm point pointing to is that, is no one mentioning the fact that this thing is spinning things correctly, is no one paying attention to the fact that all these man-made things actually spin counterclockwise and it, and therefore that a lot of the damage they do is from that. And when you introduce Shungite to make things spin correctly, the problem goes away. Nobody's seeing it now. I'm not, I'm not that intelligent. I couldn't be the only one seeing it <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:06:18 They're not explaining it that way. I don't upload all the studies. I'm uploading like 1% of the ones I'm finding the others. Oh, Speaker 3 01:06:25 Wow. Speaker 2 01:06:26 Oh, oh. And I'm not even exaggerating. It's just the others are so obscure, or they're talking about, because we talk about food and water and plants and things like that. So those are the ones I'm tending to, um, upload. But there's other ones, whether you're tying into magnetism and how it absorbs gold and this, that, so, but I mean mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you'd, you'd get lost with many hundreds of studies if I uploaded them all, so, oh, wow. I'm, yeah. I'm literally kind like, here's another one on enha enhancement of drought tolerance in cucumber plants by natural carbon materials. And then you read down, and it's s shungite, so that's one that's gonna be uploaded later today. There's another one, um, in dairy cows milk production. Uh, it helps with digestibility nutrients, nitrogen utilization, and by goes on and on and on. And so, and this is from veterinary sciences, an article there. Um, and there's an abstract in that, but, and that's just a few. What's another one? Um, here we go, absorption. So absorption, absorption, purification of underground water to remove uranium. So that's another water oriented one that I will upload here today after the show. Um, but yeah, no, I mean, I can get lost literally on just hundreds Speaker 3 01:07:32 Of Yeah. <inaudible> will neutralize the uranium. Speaker 2 01:07:35 Yeah. Oh yeah, that's right. It's on Springer Link. And that's a, uh, springer So it's a, where they, uh, different universities and scientists published our articles. Long story short, and it takes hours and days sometimes, because I go through Google Scholar, through these actual publications, um, public publishing sites themselves as well, and universities. And there's not just a place you go and you find everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, oh yeah. And then even the word SS shungite, it's not in all of the, it's not even in the one I just talked about with uranium. Scroll down two sentences, ss shungite of natural origin. It goes on from there. So then you have to have the wherewithal to realize, oh, wait, Speaker 3 01:08:13 So there, there are studies that point to the natural, natural fuller reads. Oh, Speaker 2 01:08:18 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:08:19 Oh, Speaker 2 01:08:20 Yeah. So, and they're in there, but again, it takes time and effort, and you gotta read 'em. Then all of a sudden there's words. They're 25 letters long. I'm like, what <laugh> I know. And then I gotta open up a <laugh> just to be totally, uh, honest. Yeah. A dictionary on there. I'm like, what the heck does this word even mean? Because it's in, you know, science lingo, and I'm a layman. So, Speaker 3 01:08:40 Uh, well, one, that's one of the things that, uh, I think that we should, since we're working on developing the new language of enology, that's one of the things that should be, because we know, we know for a fact, and we are, we are exposed to, and have had the chance to ex, uh, feel this ourselves, how intelligent Shanghai is, how it reacts to, uh, intentions. Uh, you, you're thinking of something, and the Shanghai does it, what, like in the case of the, the telephone stickers where the phones rings by itself, and it's the person that you were thinking about had been connected, you know, because the Shanghai actually picked up on your intention to call this person. And it happened. So I, I think that here we're, we're dealing with another field of, uh, intelligence and, and energy is that so many people are paranoid and terrified of this concept of the ai, artificial intelligence. Speaker 3 01:09:40 Well, what about ai, natural intelligence, things that are not necessarily organic, but yet they are intelligent. Like in the case of the FIEs, in the, in shangai, they're natural, yet they're intelligent. They're, they're not, they're not made of, they're not made of organic, uh, cells. Like we are made of organics, but they are still intelligent and not made by a man. So I think that's another thing that we, something more and more is gonna start creeping up, is that ni against ai, natural intelligence against artificial intelligence where, because it sounds like the artificial is like more deliberate in the way that it's specific in how it does, like a lot of people are focused, oh, the AI is going to affect take, it is gonna control men. But that's, if you think that, okay, that the agenda of AI is control. I mean, what does it, you know, like this is, this is, uh, does an AI need what humans need? Speaker 3 01:10:49 I mean, like, those that need power and money, and they need that. Do they, do they need that? Because I don't think so. And there's ai, natural intelligence. Natural intelligence doesn't give a food about money and power and taking control over it. Uh, and we see that, uh, with <inaudible>. The one thing that we see, for example, uh, in our experiences with Shanghai, Alejandro, how it reacts to th to our thinking is that it refuses to do evil things. It refuses to hurt anybody. You can't use Shanghai to hurt others. Like, for example, um, quartz. Quartz, unfortunately, it's not, it's, it's, um, um, neutral in that sense. You can actually use quartz, uh, wands for black magic programs. You can actually do, do it that way. You can't do that with Shanghai. You try to use Shanghai for black magic or something nefarious. It doesn't work. It turns off completely. So I, I, I think that's, you know, the another <laugh> another field in this, in, in this energy universe, natural intelligence vi versus, uh, artificial intelligence. We'll see. Speaker 0 01:12:13 Well, I, I, that's why when I coined the term in the eighties, enology, I defined it as a merging of quantum physics was metaphysics. Because if you, what was the first thing that they found out in quantum fix fit quantum physicists? That they were doing the original research, and everybody knows it's a split, uh, oh, what do they call it? It anyway, it's a, it's a, it was a, it was a research project that they duplicated and duplicated, and they realized that the results of a very simple experiment depended on how the person who was correct doing the experiment thought it was gonna be, they realized that thought was predicating the results of the experiment, the witness, Speaker 3 01:13:09 Witness phenomena. Witness phenomena, Speaker 0 01:13:11 Yes. Uh, they didn't call it that at that time. We'd call it that now, but, uh, it was a split. They take a proton, they throw it through two splits, and one is a wave, and one of it is a proton, uh, three D type type thing. Particle, particle particle. Thank you. Thank you. Um, so that, that's where we're at with this, is that it's, it is very frustrating. I mean, people out there, they, they, they're missing it. I was listening to somebody who was, you know, supposedly doing all this wonderful things with shungite energy and stuff. They didn't have the concept of reversal of field. They didn't have the concept of, you know, the intuition that will connect your intuition, your, your feeling of imagination connects with something that's in the shungite, another conscious level of existence. They couldn't get there. So we're just ahead of the time. Walt <laugh> <laugh>, you know, they'll catch up sooner or later and they'll forget that we've been saying this for years and years. Doesn't matter. We've been saying it for years and years. So it would go into the collective consciousness. So they would wake up. Well, Speaker 3 01:14:26 Look, just, just, uh, looking at a sampling of all the articles that Derek has found out one year ago, you wouldn't see that those article, nothing, nothing, nothing of the sort. Now it's, it is growing exponentially. Speaker 0 01:14:43 Yep, yep, yep. And, you know, it's taken, what, 2014? It's taken that long since 2014 to get to this level. But when you think about it, it's a massive, uh, explosion of, of knowledge. And I've been contacted on the side, especially when I first came out and I was talking this woo stuff, you know, reversing fields and, you know, molecular cohesion and, you know, all this other stuff that I was sort of like making up <laugh> because I was watching what was happening, and I could see it energetically. I could just see it. I, I knew what was happening. And so I would talk about, I'd tell Walt, Walt, I'm seeing this, and Walt would say, Hmm, how do we test for this? And he'd figure out a way of testing what you know, to say, yes, you, that's the reason you're seeing this. And, uh, so you get to a point where you're going like, okay, so here it is, boys and girls, and they don't take that critical piece because it's not time yet. Speaker 0 01:15:47 Think about it, Walt. What happens if the, all those scientists out there realize that? I mean, how many psychiatrists are gonna go, oh, God, I'm in the wrong profession. When they learn about E F t tapping, you know, how many people's lives are gonna be just absolutely shattered when you realize that, oh, well, all this disease that you've got in your body is because you've got emotional, emotionally fueled energy blockages in your body, and you just need to tap on yourself. <laugh>. Yeah, I mean, it, it, it's like the reality that they knew. We've known for a while. Derek's known probably since he was born. But, you know, it's like you, you got this particular layer of knowledge that is sitting there waiting to be discovered again. And when it is every, it's profound. An energy universe, people talk about it. But if you live it like we do, uh, it's a totally different way of going through life. You know, doctor, what's a doctor? Speaker 3 01:16:57 And, and don't forget the, don't leave out of the equation. Those invested in the Speaker 0 01:17:05 Money, money, money, money, money, Speaker 3 01:17:06 Money. No. Yeah. Because remember, for example, case in point, uh, those who have been involved in the MK Ultra thing, where all that programming that's based on trauma type, uh, programming, well, that could be corrected with, uh, tapping, because it's exactly what it is. It's an energy. It deliberately installed energy, trauma of, uh, you know, biblical proportions when, because they make people entirely forgets themselves. But it's still what it is. It is energy that can be corrected. Okay? There are those invested in not wanting that to be corrected, because they are actually the desiring people that remain programmed because they program assassins, because they program this or that, and what, you know, so that has to be taken into consideration. There are those in the, who don't want this to be known or practice. So they, they try to, well, even, even today, uh, standard, uh, medical universities, they don't teach acupuncture. Speaker 3 01:18:11 Well, even let's go, let's make it even simpler for, for the doctors that follow the medical profession. And they, it is 10 years of study with, with all the things that they have to do. Uh, I was told this, uh, I forgot, who was it who told me this? If it was, uh, gene Rockefeller, who was it? But who knew about medical, you know, doctors on their training, they get in all those years that they go to study in university and what whatnot, they're, they're not taught, they're not taught a single word of human nutrition. They're not taught nutrition. They don't know what's really good for you to eat. So if, if that's not deliberate, not to teach you how to properly feed your patient, you know, that tells, you taught that a lot of things is what do they actually want you to do? What do they actually intend you to achieve in life? You're not teaching your patients how to eat properly. Wow. Speaker 0 01:19:12 Well, one of the things that Karen McDonald's said was that way, way, way back we're talking, you know, veru type of people, way back native, native people way back, that the structure of the earth had. And I, I'm trying to think of what she, I don't know that she called it etheric, but there was an energy grid that you could tap into. And, you know, it was like a lot of these, um, pyramids we, we see are actually big versions of smaller versions that the shamans and the, the, uh, the, uh, the, the, uh, clan, clan, clan women, you know, the, the leaders, the, the female essence of the sha the shaman normally is a male. But you've got the, the female mama, grandmother, all that knowledge. And many times that we don't know now because we don't have the devices were based on energy devices that they were probably making, like we were making, you know, I go back to that situation where I was guided to, to put a copper wire, a copper pipe into the, to the ground, and then on top of it, put a copper structure that I had already built, because I'm listening to my guides. Speaker 0 01:20:34 And what happened, well, within a short period of time, there was 5,000 hits of electricity, lightning hitting South Florida. They went on the televisions. It was all over the televisions. Get inside, get inside. We don't know what's happening. And thank God, I had said to somebody, ah, they had me build this thing and put this thing in because he was watching television. He sees this come up, becomes, gets on the phone. He said, put on the television. I said, what's channel? He said, doesn't matter. So I turned on the television, and sure enough, they got these warnings all over the place about, you know, uh, an unprecedented attack by electricity on South. Well, Speaker 3 01:21:12 No, you were being guided, you were actually purifying in Florida because by doing all those, um, unprecedented, uh, attacks, you were actually cleaning up the mental field. Speaker 0 01:21:23 Well, that may be true. Speaker 3 01:21:24 I also, they wanted you to do that. Speaker 0 01:21:26 But I also was introduced to a concept of an energy field that was as powerful as any electric grid. And Karen was referencing that very field that was there, that was being used in ways that we don't really understand, but that all of the electric build out that happened was to eradicate that energy field by essentially jamming it. So if the grid goes down, don't panic <laugh>, you know, yes, it'll be an irritation at first, but that will force the, the, the, the old knowledge to come back into play. So don't get freaked out if the, you know, right now, I don't know if you've heard about this one, but, um, there's a, a supposedly a Chinese have hacked the American grid system and the military, US military is frantically trying to get it out of the, out of the computers because they're afraid that they will shut down the, it's, it's, it, the center of 'em, the center of this problem seems to be the military, the military post. Speaker 0 01:22:39 But, you know, hey, the grid is the grid. There's only three electro electric energy systems in the United States. One of them is Texas. The other two take care of the rest of the country. So you've got two grid systems that are tying in, you know, virtually half and half of the country. So if you make an attack on the, on the military post, you likely will take down the grid for the civilians use too. But don't worry about it. First off, we don't have any kind of a contract with that thought. But should they somehow or another do it, that'll force people into going back to the, to the, you know, the, the grid that was here, nature, nature's grid, Tesla, you know, no big problem. Don't panic, don't panic over anything. And if you're starting to panic, tap <laugh>, you know? Uh, okay. So anything more on that mark? Speaker 5 01:23:42 Yeah. So the, um, I think I have an idea for Derek for the, uh, the studies. Is it possible to be able to put all these things you find into a U S B drive-in and sell it in the store for, for access? Speaker 2 01:23:57 No, not really, because they're just, I can't make money off somebody else's study sort of thing. I mean, I can make 'em available, which is what I'm trying to do. Um, yeah, not, I don't think I could legally do something like that. So they then, like right now, you've been behind the scenes while I'm listening to you guys, I'm doing updates. All the images just changed on the studies page and the last minute. Um, and I got others I'm doing in the background, but I don't think so. So the best way I can really think about is doing what I'm doing is putting 'em all in one spot and then again, re-uploading these studies or documents, um, or articles in some cases up to my own server so they don't disappear. 'cause even now I'm having troubles finding some stuff that used to be online, and I don't know where the heck they go. So it's hard to I to find some of those. Speaker 3 01:24:42 Okay. Do you, do you ever, uh, find yourself, uh, surfing the dark web? Speaker 2 01:24:48 No, I haven't done that in years. Um, no. So I haven't done that to find, you know, 'cause I don't want anything tagged onto some of those documents either. Of course. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>? Speaker 2 01:24:59 No, there's no, I don't know. I actually, I was reading an article earlier today, like, you know, how can I, as long as I link back to them and I'm not, you know, talking about their article and I'm just like sharing their article or their study, depending on what we're talking about here, um, I should be okay because I'm not, you know, hacking it all up. I'm literally just linking to it. And even the stuff in the abstract that Walt brought up earlier, the little intro, when you go to the Shanghai Science page, it's just cut and pasted from their own study, literally the first paragraph. Um, I don't give any input on any of these things on there. Um, I just wanna make it easy enough for people to find, so that, wait, are there studies ons, uh, Shanghai implant? Where would you even begin? Well, I want that begin in place or point, and Js and I were talking about it over the last couple days. We're gonna build a, uh, a SS shungite and, I don't know, I'll call it SGI plants or something like that, and gardens, who knows. Um, but then accumulate all that stuff together. 'cause I'm finding lots on soil and how to, you know, all the absorbent properties of s Shanghai and what it does. And a couple I mentioned a few minutes ago, so maybe a plants and animals page. Speaker 3 01:26:04 Well, that's one of the things that I found out. Uh, you saw my post on, on, on Facebook where, uh, three years ago, three or four years ago, uh, with an I, I, uh, I used the, uh, the dry water, the, the dry wet, uh, fertilized sprayer. And instead of spraying fertilizer, I used it to, uh, spray, uh, Shanghai powder and <laugh>, everything grew to tremendous proportions. But one of the things that I found out, uh, that's, it appears to be something, again, a another natural, a uh, attribute of Shanghai is that, you know, that there are plants that are sensitive to the kind of soil. Like, uh, in, in my case, I am in a, I live in an area where it's kind of a sandy soil. It, the water flows through it very quickly. In other places, it's a, it's a, the, the soil is more clay in, in, in it eventually, you know, where whenever there's a lot, a bit more water or more precipitation against, again, you get flooding right away because the soil has a lot of clay in it. Well, I found that when you, when you use shungite as you like, for, for spraying the shangai powder, it actually corrects whatever is the condition of the soil. If it's, if it's too clay or too sandy, it actually corrects it. Speaker 3 01:27:34 And you don't need additional me chemistry for, for doing that <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:27:40 Yeah, that's interesting. And I've, I've, I've read similar, um, results like that in some of these other studies that we're talking about here. Um, and that's why I wanna mention that too. So people like you and your story right there is Nancy and, um, suggested it, um, Yasmine had had it as well, I believe. So long story short, I keep saying that, um, there's now a place on the link I shared in chat. For those that aren't in chat, it's ms The S shungite f a q link at the bottom of that page is now, um, a couple ways of submitting your own s Shungite story. So you can submit it where it goes just to us, and we will look at it and maybe put it up there or one where you can just do a post. But that's on that page now. Speaker 2 01:28:20 So, and we're interested in getting any of that feedback from people, their own stories of what's been happening and how they're using Shun Guides. And on that f a Q page, um, I'm gonna ask everybody to be patient. It's under construction, so there's only a couple basic questions and answers up there, and those are evolving as well. So, um, that part of it is under construction, and I'll get to some more of that today. But the part I wanted, I was excited about was taking that input from others and finally getting that spot on the website. Um, so people can submit their Shanghai stories. Um, and I don't care if it has to do with plants, animals, inflammation, sleeping dreams, whatever, share it all, and then we can, um, you know, learn from it. Speaker 0 01:29:05 Uh, people, if, if you go to cosmic and go to the books and blogs, you're gonna find that when you look at the SS Shungite reality book, you can actually read the chapter from the book on FAQs and it's presented in a way that's a lot different than, uh, what Derek's doing. And there's a lot more that we know from there. Remember this was, was, uh, you know, back in 2016, I think I published it. So, um, but you can go there and just get the basics, you know, of what Shung Guide is, the FAQ's page. So, and it's free, it's A P D F. You just download it and you can reference it. Um, yeah, yeah. And you can buy the book and the book has an index in it that will let you really find stuff in it. It's more of a manual, but at least that's the way I wanted to kind of build it. You can get [email protected] or you can go to Amazon mystical wares. You get a, uh, a stamp of a b in s shungite ink. So it's more, it's, it's another, uh, quantum entanglement when you own a book that's got that B in it, and then you're linked to every other person that has that, that particular, you know, then there's the, the subcategory of everybody that has the book. But you've got the one that's got the B with a sh I didn't get it. All right. Speaker 2 01:30:33 That's, uh, yeah. And then, um, also I think we give a free one of the free s shungite stickers along with the book as well, so you get Right. Speaker 0 01:30:40 That's right. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:30:41 So really get like a double value going on there. Um, I think that's all I was gonna say. I dunno if anybody has any questions, again, I'll be updating that s Shungite science page and F A Q and I had to, I don't know, last week I had to separate those two 'cause they were kind of together. Well, they were together on the website. But so much stuff and information now that I just had to kind of add additional pages. Um, so that's, that's been happening on Mr too, actually. Lots of changes. I need to, I need to put a thank you out to Yasmine, um, as well. I don't know if she's been chat or not, but she's been a great help on, you know, making things more accessible and user friendly on there with tips and tricks. And so, um, hopefully Mr. Goza is a little more user friendly now as well. Uh, Speaker 0 01:31:22 You said Yasmine, do you mean Jan Shaw or Yasmine? Oh, Speaker 2 01:31:25 I'm sorry. I keep saying Yasmine 'cause I'm looking at Ja, I'm talking about Jan Shaw. Yeah, <laugh>. I'm glad you dropped me on that. Yeah, Speaker 0 01:31:31 Yasmine's out there going like, what the hell did I do? Speaker 2 01:31:34 I didn't talk to you, didn't <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:31:37 No, it's Shaw, thank you for correcting me on that. Um, I should stop Jo, three things at once when I'm doing this. Um, I don't, I don't know if j had anything, um, that had happened in the past couple weeks. We've been kinda, I'm kind of asking you now, um, catching her off guard. But we've been so busy doing so many just things and events and stuff and prepping for others and, um, changing things in the store, trying to make it here at Mystical. Where's physical store that is making the Shanghai area more user friendly as well? Because there's a lot of products we have with Shanghai that you can wear, use, integrate into your own. Um, so anyway, just, just trying to get a, a better footing on that. Then I guess we po I don't know you Nancy, Speaker 5 01:32:24 Do we, so as far as, um, bringing Julissa in, I mean, August is known for back to school month, right? So, you know, uh, parents go in into stores and buying kids stuff to prep for school. So if you wanna take it from the E M F angle, and we're all, you know, frequency beings, electromagnetic beings, uh, if we go in the Derek store, like what would be the best thing to have somebody or the kids have have on them? So you have the Shanghai and silver resin buttons, and then your little figurines like the unicorn and then the various necklaces. And then even if those things dislodge or whatever, you got the silvers shungite skin cream to put on. Or like in the morning if you shower, you got the Silver Shungite soap, right? So what are the various things? And then s got honey for, for their lunch. I mean, the, the whole thing is pretty endless. So, uh, what, what are you guys recommending or, um, ideas, you know, people can, can get something now and then it'll arrive like in a week or so. Um, yeah, so where, where can we, where can we go with that? Speaker 2 01:33:31 And I'll jump in real quick. I'm not sure if J is back on or not yet. If when you do, you can just jump in. But I know she just, I think just lowered the prices on the s shangai resin key chain. So that's Shungite and silver powder, the SS four powder, you can call it blended into a resin, a non-toxic resin, and then molded from there. So a little paw prints, I think there's a unicorn, uh, several shapes, um, in key chain form that can go right on the, um, the zipper of your backpack or or what your keys, if you got keys. Um, I'm trying to think about what else. Speaker 0 01:34:04 Go ahead. Well, while we're talking about this, I just wanna make a a a heads up to people. When you go to the mystical wear store, you're gonna find that there's very few wrapped pendants. And the reason for that is that the nuggets, the size that you need to wrap a good pendant are hard to come by. So it's not like they're not wanting to put 'em up there. It's that they don't have the raw nuggets to be able to do it. Is that correct, Derek? Speaker 2 01:34:36 Yeah, or even our, and we have a, a back stock of these things, but Mo of Shanghai Nuggets, but they're exactly that. They're, they're the small size. We'll just say they're just, I mean, not really ratable is, is and the way we wrap them now. So that's the thing. And we have to go through sometimes cases or boxes, I'm not sure how to describe it, of Shanghai Nuggets, and I'll dump 'em into a bigger container. I'm like, oh, there's a bunch more Bucky, um, nugget size or smalls that we do. We give those to the bees sometimes. It just depends. But yeah, they're, they're hard to come by. And the ones that are actually, and then we have to, depending if they're cosmic ones, we have to tumble 'em. And those don't all come out of the Tumblr the same size or shape, of course. Speaker 2 01:35:16 So then there's a percentage down from there. But yeah, we're having an issue with that. Um, and then I'm not sure I've heard lots of stories about limits on, um, you know, importing stuff from Russia even on that. So our distributors are having to go through other, other, and I don't buy from 'em 'cause we have our supply already, but some people I'm hearing are going through China that ha that's buying through Russia. So, and I've seen it either way, either fake shungite or even painted, um, I guess I'll call it a resin, but to paint it black and say that it's shungite, I've seen that as well at different Speaker 0 01:35:51 Now when, when you took over the store, we were, uh, making resin pendants that I don't see on the store now, that would, that's been disconnected, uh, discon continued because Speaker 10 01:36:06 No, they're there. They're still there. Speaker 0 01:36:08 They're still there because, you know, yes, they look like plastic <laugh> and it doesn't matter that they look like plastic. What's happening is that the s shungite is embedded at, in powder form in that resin. So you're getting, uh, the energy that you would need from a raw nugget or a tumbled nugget with a shungite, uh, the silver. But, you know, if, if you can't get what the wrapped ones then think of getting one of these, you know, um, Speaker 2 01:36:42 I just put a link in the chat, Nancy, I know you're, I don't have a a I can only put so many categories on the front page. So what I did was, and anybody can do this, was go in the search box, I put resin pendants and I found the S Shanghai pendant hearts, uh, little teardrop, a puppy or cat paw print. So they're there, it's just, and they're under jewelry, but I know it's hard to do, but there are so many categories on a website like this, it's hard to break 'em down too much. Um, so the search box is your friend usually, Speaker 0 01:37:11 And if you don't, if you hear something we say on the show and you can't seem to find it in the, in the website, you can go to the help. Isn't there a help? Uh, Speaker 2 01:37:20 It's a chat room as well that pops up a chat box. There's Yep. And you can see, and it comes to us, even if we're not, somebody's not live active in that chat. It doesn't matter. Submit it. We'll get back to you and it'll contact you and give you the message. Speaker 0 01:37:34 Okay. So, um, Julissa, is there anything that you wanted to say regarding Mark's <affirmative>? Speaker 10 01:37:47 Yeah, I think you guys covered most of it. Um, I really do love putting, like, the key chains on my kids' backpacks. Um, it's hard for them to keep jewelry on. They'll only wear it for, you know, short amount of time, and then they'll, you know, take it off, um, and go run around a play. But I also like to sneak in a sticker in their shoes under their insoles. So I notice that the laminated ones, sometimes they notice that. But if I just use the actual sticker in there, I, you know, they're gonna wear out and have to be tossed. But those are, um, that seem to last in my kid's shoes, the longest <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:38:27 And that's the inner sole of a, of a shoe you can sometimes pull out. Yes. Sometimes they're glued down, you can't. Yes, Speaker 10 01:38:35 Exactly. Speaker 0 01:38:36 Um, now I wear, uh, I, I've had shungite rubber in my shoes forever and ever, and I don't notice it at all. But a kid, you know, they, they seem to get bothered by lesser things. So, but some kids might, you can put one of the, uh, they've got little circles, I think you got some little rectangles or whatever, but you can get shungite rubber and put it in their shoes. Uh, that will help keep them balanced and, you know, in a good sort, energy-wise. The other things that I really like are those pins, the ones that you can, like, I, I have a baseball cap that I wear when I'm outside doing stuff, and I put it in the, in the inside, right under the button, just stuck it there. And I gotta tell you, I love those things. I really do. So every hat I have has one of those in it, <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:39:33 And, uh, you know, so for a kid that wears a hat a lot of time, I have a friend of mine, we just sent her some s Shungite. Thank you for that. Um, uh, my friend, uh, Susie got that package, Derek, and she sent me a picture, it was the cutest picture. She said, I've got, she put two of the shungite circles, I guess in her nightcap now she's, I guess in cold weather, but she was wearing a nightcap. And underneath it she had the, the shungite, uh, uh, the, the spot, the, the circle ones. And then she had the rectangular one on her belly. She, I said, well, I guess I don't have to wish you a good night's sleep <laugh>. So yeah, if you can think of it, it's because again, when we started out, we really didn't have the database science. Well, there was nothing like what you're seeing now. Speaker 0 01:40:27 And so the reason that we grew as fast as we did was because Walt and I were on radio and we were able to get people to, you know, take a chance with Shanghai. And then they would write back and they would gave us through the, through the, the, it was, we, we sp it basically set it up as a blog. But we had so many people that told us things that we, we didn't even think about. And so many people that were attesting to the things we had thought about and were, were promoting that in the s Shungite reality book, it was like, I think 62 pages of comments made in Facebook, in the groups and in this, uh, blog where people could play Speaker 3 01:41:15 There. Nancy? Nancy. Yeah. I I had a question because I was remembering something, uh, recently. Uh, was it you that told Dolly, or Dolly told you that, uh, Luz is the, one of the, the lady that passed, remember, wasn't she the one, one of the first people to have an experience of Shungite in the pool that, uh, nobody wanted to leave, and then she had an issue where the, um, uh, insects loving the water. So you gave her instruction and you told her to instruct the shungite, um, not, not to let the insects in, and then they stopped. Now, I don't remember what it was, if it was just shungite nuggets or if it was a, no, it was a turtle. Shang turtle. A turtle <laugh>. Okay. Speaker 0 01:42:05 She had the, she had the turtle in the, in the pool. And, you know, it was like the second day they were out there, all of a sudden, uh, bumblebee started to fly into the pool and drowned. And it was her reaction, Walt, it wasn't that she talked to me and got the, the answer, it was her reaction. She said, oh, well, please don't let this happen. She inadvertently asked the Shanghai to not attract the bees, but it was, was, and they stopped <laugh>. And they stopped <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, it was like, she, and that was why, what impressed her the most. She said, she said, you know, yes, they're diving in there. She said, but then I, I, you know, said that. And all of a sudden they just stopped. Speaker 3 01:42:49 And the other thing that she saw was that the people wouldn't leave. They didn't wanna leave the water <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:42:55 Well, the funniest thing that that happened was because the initial turtles that we had was programmed to create oxygen, because oxygen will clear a pool and it's non-toxic and blah, blah, blah. So that's what the, the energy field we were building at the time. And she had, um, the kids, their grandkids had been in the pool, and one of the toys they had brought into the pool shouldn't have been in the pool, was like a big plastic dump truck thing that was at the bottom. And she went, ah, I'll get it in the morning when I go in the pool. When she came out in the morning, it was floating <laugh> <laugh> because there was so much. And she looks down, she, why is this floating? Well, there was so many oxygen. So much oxygen. It was creating bubbles. And the bubbles like Speaker 3 01:43:45 <laugh>. Yeah, it's like the, uh, what do you call it when you, when you put a a straw in a carbonated drink, the bubbles force the straw to the top Speaker 0 01:43:54 <laugh>. Yeah, well, the, the, you know, this bubble thing, it was like my sister Heidi, she had, um, some health problems and, but they had a, a hot tub. So I sent her again, one of the originals, and uh, she puts it in the hot tub. And then her husband comes home and he goes out to the hot tub and he comes back screaming, oh my God, something's wrong with the, the, the, the hot tub. And she goes, what, what, what? And he says, he, he says, look at all these bubbles in it. And she went, oh. And she, and he said, what's that? He's pointing to the turtle thing. And she said, well, Nancy sent it to me. Well get that out of there. 'cause he thinks I'm an idiot. He thinks I'm an absolute idiot. He does. He's very much, he's very afraid of me <laugh>, because you know, he'll, he'll, he'll, uh, anyway, he's just one of those people that can't get their heads around, you know, the concept of energy. Speaker 0 01:44:51 But anyway, so he made her take it out of the pool. So I never, you know, was able to help my sister. But again, it was, I mean, so then after that we realized we didn't have to be so specific as to oxygen all because unfortunately it also was, uh, promoted certain algae growth, growth because it was natural algae. And it just, you know, oh yeah, this is a great place to grow. You know? So after that, we, you started programming it with, uh, basically just water purification, however you have to get there, keep that water, you know, pristi. Speaker 3 01:45:27 Yeah. And it doesn't, it doesn't, uh, foster, uh, the what theology growth, because not Dolly has issues at all, has with the algae growth. And the other lady that lives in her area, same thing. The, uh, the, the pool guy doesn't need to put any additional chemistry because the water stays clear all the time. Yeah. They put some, some chlorine in order to justify their visit <laugh>, but other than that, they don't need to do any, any chemistry correction on the water. Speaker 0 01:46:02 So, so Julissa, you wanna talk or Mark, do you have something to say? Oh, oh, oh, let's do Mark. Okay. Because he went and saw those movies, the Barbie movie and the, um, Oppenheimer movie. You wanna give a rendition of what you thought, mark? Speaker 5 01:46:21 Uh, I didn't see the Oppenheimer. You hear people's comments. I mean, I, I j Dyer's a good YouTube review, and so he pretty much broke it down as far as what was behind that. It's, I think he, it was either him or Alex just was saying is like a, um, communist apologist movie, um, which was disappointing to hear, considering I'm a big fan of Chris Nolan's work, not necessarily his historical stuff, but, um, so yeah, 'cause I sent you the Jdi review on Barbie also, and he had a good breakdown of it, which was that, um, aside from being like a hyper feminist movie, but it also was about giving people choice, not necessarily being bogged down by people's programs. Um, but ultimately it was about the, uh, the religion of the dark goddess savior archetype, as in like, you have these different, um, iconic figures and being put in the forefront of, um, you know, the modernisms, uh, uh, what do you call it? Speaker 5 01:47:28 I guess you could call it some woke, but it's definitely not traditional. Um, they did have a matrixy feel about it, and you can see that in the preview of choosing which shoe to, to take as far as if you're gonna go into the real world or stay in the Barbie world. Um, so it was a good thing of, of not to a good, uh, lesson and not to identify with, um, modernism's uh, programming as far as, uh, what do you call it? Like this is what a guy's supposed to do, and then this is what girls do. And it's a, I like the, the non-conformist questioning about it, but it was definitely leaning towards, um, there was a big part of, of attacking men and then putting women above, uh, uh, men. But again, dyer breaks it down really well as far as the different messages and in relation to secret societies and things like that. So, um, yeah, Speaker 3 01:48:23 It seems sounds like the similar message in the, uh, wonder Woman 1984 movie where, uh, women are, uh, portrayed as super intelligent, super bright, and men are, are, uh, portrayed as idiots <laugh>. Speaker 5 01:48:42 That's pretty close. Yeah. That's a good, that's a really good bridge, because also what's important beyond, um, sex and gender is the, the 1984 movie of like, do not do manifestation. 'cause it'll lead to more than you asked for <laugh>. That was a good lesson. Uh, I'm, I'm glad you brought, you honed that down in, in the cosmic reality shows, Speaker 3 01:49:05 <laugh>. Speaker 5 01:49:08 Yeah. So, um, that's all I kinda have to say about that. The, I mean, definitely check it out and then come to your own conclusion. Um, lemme look at my notes here. So, Nancy, did you listen to the, i i, I know I sent you a lot of links, but there was a really important one from The Common Sense Show on, uh, Vance Davis. Did you ever get around to that? Speaker 0 01:49:29 Uh, can't say that I did. When did you send it? Speaker 5 01:49:33 I might've been last week. I'll give a quick summary. So if people go to and write the Common Sense Show and go to the, um, July 26th episode, um, it's really good as far as, you know, 'cause we're talking about, um, energy medicine and energy structure. So this was, he's a former N ss a and, uh, he was in a different, and, and same with the host, two different projects of remote viewing like Stargate and the ones that are beyond that, which is a project grill, fla grill flame. And so, and then the third person that's with him is, you know, he was digging up these different ca a documents, so apparently, um, in the thick of it. So us and Russia both were training people to become psychic assassins. So a lot of these Marvel in DC movies you see are, are, you know, like Gene Dko said, if you wanted no disclosure, just watch movies, it's all there. Speaker 5 01:50:28 And so this was like, um, Vince Davis, he's been on the Common Sense Sense show before of these things where they would test him to, to like, what are you seeing in the other side of the room? And things like that of testing people's abilities. So one of the ones that was the more critical, uh, test was can you pop this balloon in the other side of, of the room? Now why would you have somebody do that unless you know you're using it as a weapon? And so one of the, um, rumors going around in the western countries is that there's a, uh, person with this ability to burst hearts from a distance, uh, the Russian red witch. And so, okay, where, where did I put that in my highlight? Um, so it's at, at about 26 minutes in, they get into more of this stuff that I'm talking about. And there is a c a a document. So if you put in like in any keyword search project, uh, grow Flame, and it talks about using, uh, these abilities of people for that kind of militarization. Um, Speaker 3 01:51:36 But that sounds like an Elio, Ben's, uh, book, uh, interview with a psychic assassin where this, this girl was from Costa Rica and she was taken from her parents because her parents had an agreement with a, a US military force. So ever since she was a young girl, she was brought to a secret center here in the us and in fact, an alien entity was the one who taught her how to manipulate the human, uh, energy field. So she was, she was taught how to assassinate people at a distance. She could stop hearts without any, any complication. So it, it sounds like that, Speaker 5 01:52:21 Oh, there you go. Did she do a podcast on that? I'm sure she did, right? No, Speaker 3 01:52:25 She just wrote the book, the Psych Interview with a psychic assassin. Speaker 0 01:52:29 But she wrote it as a fiction. Speaker 3 01:52:31 Yeah, because that is the only way she could get it out into the public. Yeah, <laugh>. Speaker 5 01:52:39 So it's, yeah, I mean, personalized Speaker 0 01:52:40 Fact, Speaker 5 01:52:41 If for all frequency beings, structured frequency, that's again, you know, Derek has the best s shungite and most accessible out of anybody in the country that alone the world. So get your cosmic silver on you. If you don't have that kind of money, then you can get like the, uh, the rubber circles and then just cut 'em into pieces and put 'em in your pocket, right? I mean, um, we don't know in, in the soup of frequencies we're in, like who's around, especially considering as we're moving further into four d different kinds of, uh, you know, beings that are around us. But Speaker 3 01:53:14 The biggest power that we have, mark, is opening and closing contracts. If you don't have, they don't have a con, I don't care how psych, how many psychic assassins of throwing at you. If they don't, if, if the person has no contract, even with this notion, they can affect them because you need their agreement, whether they don't know it or they're ignorant or they need their agreement, otherwise they're po they're powerless. That's why they don't want you to know the power of contracts, because that would, that would be the key to shutting off all their operation. They don't want that, you know, they, they want you to think that they're all super powerful, the ultimate in power <laugh>, when that's not the truth. Speaker 5 01:54:00 So how do we do those? So let's say, 'cause we don't know if we have a contract with somebody that's just walking by us to knock us down or like do something to us, you know? 'cause I work in San Francisco three times a month, right? And I mean, I have your resonator and, and things have been completely smooth, no issues. But for other people who don't have your resonator, they can obviously use the etheric double. But how do we break contracts with somebody that's passing bias that could do us harm or some kind of scenario like that? Well, Speaker 3 01:54:28 Why don't, why can't you ask your device? Okay, right now, today I am going to spend the next 24 hours in this area. Are there any entities with contracts with me? And then you get a response, yes or no, and then you re then you do the, the correction accordingly. Uh, you don't use a pendulum, do you? You don't, you don't, das Speaker 5 01:54:53 No, I I got one. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:54:54 Okay. So it's just a matter of asking a question. Speaker 5 01:54:58 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:55:00 I would think it would be ma more efficient to just say, don't let, I don't have any contracts with anybody <laugh>, you know, boom. I don't have any contracts with anybody except those that benefit myself and humanity. Speaker 3 01:55:16 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:55:19 Uh, just go ahead. No, Speaker 0 01:55:21 Go ahead. Go ahead, Derek. Speaker 2 01:55:24 I gonna say, if you think of it like etheric hygiene, so you take a bath or shower every day, you don't worry about what you're washing off, you're just cleaning stuff off that's not good for you. So that if you think of etheric hygiene, then you know, you tend to take a bath or shower every day, every other day. So what I would say is, uh, you'd see that as e theory hygiene. So then you can in your head, use your intentions to clear whatever. And this, you can work with the words on this terms on this in a concrete way to say it. You can clear whatever is out of alignment for you. Now, you don't have to know this, that, and the other. So that brings it back to Mark when he's saying, how do you know if you walk by somebody and this air quote, energy attached to me, or somebody's thinking about me planning this, that, and the other. Speaker 2 01:56:03 Well then take your etheric hygiene, your bath or shower, I call it armoring. That whole bucky ball of love from inside your heart, shocker, expanding out as it expands around you and grows. It removes whatever's out of alignment with, and my ears just rang while I did that, by the way. That's one way. And I determine probably others do too. Etheric hygiene. Um, that's why I tied in in the bath or shower. You don't have to worry. This dirt came from here, there, you don't need to worry about it. You don't even have to know about it. But what you do have to do is go through the thought process of the removal and whatever recipe you have for <affirmative>. Speaker 3 01:56:40 That's what I love about the E F T. When I did it on the not self mind. That was, that was number one. Hi hygiene. I don't have to worry about it anymore because that, that's the, the worst hi bad hygiene that we have negative thoughts and we think there are thoughts and we are used to having them. Well, it turns out that they're not ours. We don't have to have them. Just, just get them out of there. <laugh>. I like your term energy hygiene. That's the best way to go. Speaker 0 01:57:09 <laugh>, Speaker 3 01:57:10 <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:57:12 Okay, so we're down to the last two, three minutes here. Um, is there anything else that any of you wanted to mention? Speaker 2 01:57:20 Um, I have one thing I can put out, I'll go really quick and throw it back to Mark, is I do have a, um, an individual that has contacted me who's looking for someone who is willing to do a research study, and he's gonna pay for it on ss shungite in regards to sleep or inflammation. So I don't know, I'm just putting out there the airwaves or the internet waves. So if maybe somebody knows someone or something like that, that is, that knows how to do these type of things, um, I do have somebody looking and please reach out to me. Uh, mark, did you have something? Speaker 5 01:57:52 Oh, just, um, yeah, so I put in the chat Pharmacia, everybody knows that means sorcery. And so pharmaco means, uh, ritualistic human sacrifice. I got that from Sayer G when, uh, he was interviewed by Mike Adams. Uh, Nancy, what's up for, um, uh, radio five G this Speaker 0 01:58:08 Week? Well, radio five G tomorrow is gonna be rather interesting in that I am, I, we had another two hours of, uh, myself and Karen McDonald, which I was gonna use tomorrow. But then I got working on Bill Brock breeder's presentation of secret history of the Earth and the situation we find ourselves in. And all of a sudden when I started to, to, I'd finished that, it was for some other project. But then I go back to Karen and I'm listening to what she said, and I said, well, bill sounds a little crazy. Karen sounds a little crazy, but when you put 'em together, they're <laugh>, you know, saying the same thing, you know? So maybe it's not that crazy. So it's gonna be, uh, about the cosmic, uh, well, he defines God. They define, you know, where we are in a, in a concept of survival of humanity. Anyway, we're at the end of the show. Thanks, everybody. Upcoming is Cosmic Reality Chronicles and then followed by the second show we did with Karen, uh, at uh, four. And then we do live with Walt Silva and myself and Dolly Howard. So y'all wanna say goodbye at the same time kind of thing. <laugh>, Speaker 3 01:59:25 Goodbye <laugh>. Bye Speaker 0 01:59:27 Bye <laugh>. Thanks for being here, everybody. We'll see you next time. You have been listening to the Shungite Radio Show, produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for being here. Be safe.

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