“Shungite Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva, Yasmin West. This is a replay from a year ago 7/19/2022. It is titled “Reality Sci Fi Starring Shungite”, because we had built an energy device that took down the electric system at Mystical Wares. SHOW PHOTO https://www.cosmicreality.com/uploads/1/8/0/9/18090901/230725-220719-shungite-show-orig_orig.jpg
*SHUNGITE FAQ - https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-faq/
*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.com
*COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off - https://www.mysticalwares.com
*Shungite Reality - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST https://www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html
*Shungite Reality Archives https://shungite-reality-podcast.castos.com/
*Shungite Reality Book https://www.mysticalwares.net/product-page/shungite-reality-book
“Shungite Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva, Yasmin West CALIFORNIA EAGLE PICTURE & INSTRUCTIONS FOR WORKING WITH THE EAGLE: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/663aa986-59e5-49fa-b0ca-6cd2d67fe5d0/downloads/Connecting%20with%20The%20Eagle.pdf?ver=1692759161672 Yasmin -...
“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins and Derek Condit COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off Mystical Wares: https://www.mysticalwares.com The Shungite Radio Show is seen Tuesdays Noon-2 pm...
“Shungite Reality” - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit Mark Joseph and Walt Silva with guest Jeff Mamora discussing how we can overcome disasters using energy...