“Shungite Reality” - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Walt Silva with guest Amaral Valle-Tores on Possibilities and a short story by Derek Condit - “The Recipy Book”.
*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST
*Shungite Reality" on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-530635
*Shungite Reality Podcast https://shungite-reality-podcast.castos.com/
*Shungite Reality Book
Derek's available sessions: https://mysticalwares.setmore.com/book
Audio Downloads https://mysticalwares.com/product-category/audio-downloads/
FREE SCALAR SESSION https://mysticalwares.setmore.com/
"SHUNGITE REALITY” 12/22/20 with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph Pendulums, Shungite, Enerology The Shungite Radio Show is seen Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST...
“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva discussing mineral supplements, Zeolite, ancient portals, Sasquatch Stories. Sasquach Storieshttps://thesasquatchstories.wordpress.com/ Matthew Wardhttps://www.matthewbooks.com/march-11-2024/ Angels...
Shungite Reality Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva SHOW PHOTO SASQUATCH RAFFLE SHUNGITE FAQ - https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-faq/ Link to Inner Expansion...