“Shungite Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph discussing various tools used for paranormal investigations; where does Bigfoot come from; salt as crystals and more.
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*Shungite Reality Archives https://shungite-reality-podcast.castos.com/
*Shungite Reality Book
“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph SHOW PHOTO The Simulated Multiverse: An MIT Computer Scientist Explores Parallel Universes, Quantum Computing, The...
Shungite Reality Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, and Yasmin West - A visit to Mystical Wares. Yasmin - https://thereikiaccountant.com Shungite Store...
“Shungite Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Walt SilvaWalt - https://www.NewParadigmTools.net*SHUNGITE FAQ - https://mysticalwares.com/shungite-faq/*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.com*COUPON “SAVE10" for 10%...