Discussing how & why Shungite is used on honeybee beehives. The effects of Shungite on toxins, radiation and how it can help with CCD Colony Collapse Disorder.
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“Shungite Reality Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, and Walt Silva, Julissa Helms Walt - https://www.NewParadigmTools.net Nancy's Shungite Recommendations Free Scalar Session...
“Shungite Reality” - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph discussing a 2023 research report with proof Shungite products not only mitigate EMF damage,...
“Shungite Reality Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Julissa Helms. Walt Silva SHOW PHOTO Walt - https://www.NewParadigmTools.net Nancy's Shungite Recommendations Free Scalar...