"SHUNGITE REALITY” - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph with guest Yasmin West. Yasmin is “The Reiki Accountant”, combining metaphysical concepts with financial coaching. She also has one of four Shungite-Nectar Eagles built by Walt Silva. https://thereikiaccountant.com/
Walt Silva's Eagle: https://www.newparadigmtools.net/the-eagle-shungite-cloudbuster.html
COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off MysticalWares: https://www.mysticalwares.net/
The Shungite Radio Show is seen Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST https://www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html
Shungite World Grid https://www.cosmicreality.net/the-shungite-grid.html
Metaphysical Perspectives You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEUcAqF6ekzbC4jQZpW5yQ
Shungite Reality Book https://www.mysticalwares.net/product-page/shungite-reality-book
Cosmic Reality Radio Archives - https://www.cosmicreality.com/archives.html
Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.com/
Cosmic Reality Radio - http://www.cosmicreality.com
Shungite Radio Show Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtgrQLgUkS0tBKkCTL-vlzlLYZmWIYEcx
Cosmic Reality YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCok5CPB8dw5HvW1_jBgC6sw?view_as=subscriber
Shungite Beehives YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIHsF6Kw2QLkrhdS8nK7dg
“Shungite Reality” Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/713944828952438/
“Cosmic Reality” Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/504212719691742/
Music: Barbara Meneses & Craig Stuart - https://www.Baj-Pendulos.com/en/
SHUNGITE REALITY” - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph with guest Yasmin West. https://thereikiaccountant.com/ SHOW PHOTO COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off MysticalWares: https://www.mysticalwares.net/...
"SHUNGITE REALITY” 1/26/21 - Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit and Mark Joseph discussing Shungite in context of current events. Also information on other minerals. The...
“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva with guest Garry Fong who is another Shungite researcher.*Gary's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpiiwhItFjw *Gary's Website:...